Thursday, October 17, 2013

I wunder..

Hello from China with some minutes to spare, and a random though struck me.

About the use of common resources for the public.

I remembered having a conversation where someone said..

In most asian country, such as Thailand, the culture is that non restaurant environment practices the habit of providing tissue paper/ cheap napkins for you to wipe your mouth and fingers while you consume your meals.

Singapore should really do something about it in our non restaurant eating places. Not that these cost alot. 


On what he said, I feel that It doesn't matter that much to me, because I've been programmed to bring tissues along with me whenever I'm out. 

Now that I'm in China strolling to the toilet with my wee paper in hand, I'll like to say something about this, albeit that the conversation is a few years late. 

China provides me with paper to wipe my mouth, and I have to provide my own wee wee paper when I need to visit the loo.

Singapore provides me with wee wee paper, and I provide my own tissues to wipe my mouth when I eat.

Just a matter of inlet or outlet. 
Resources still same. 
Oh well. Just a matter of thought process!

Whether you'll prefer your country to provide you with safety net when you eat, or a safety net when you shit. 

Funny how putting food to the table is important to countries like China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia.

And having equipment to clean up our asses is vital to countries like Singapore, Japan, Korea. 

Hong Kong  is wedged in the middle due to cultural issues. 

This I sum up our first world cultural problems. 

Not too indept but this shall suffice for now.