Saturday, October 05, 2013

Reverse Oreos

Brought Trixie out to Yishun today, and we had fun! It was rather impromptu, but enjoyable.

She's somewhat Extremely well behaved whenever she rides in a car. 
I'm also eternally Grateful that cabbies that I've met so far, have been willing to take us. I've been told of cases that cabs refused to pick up dogs just because of some reasons or another.
For this I feel blessed that I'm well taken care of in more than one way.

The cabbie that brought us commented that Trixie is very well behaved. 
I agree. 
She surprises me at times with her good behavior. 
Perhaps I've always viewed her as an innately naughty/mischievous doggie.
Therefore her good behavior is something that I do take for granted, while I focus on what I choose to see.

This is how the doggles spends most of her time on our way to Yishun. 
*plonks herself on the human cushion*

She got bored during the last 5 minutes of the cab ride, and sat up to look out of the window, just to see where I'm abucting her to. 

Finally! After many moons later, the reverse Oreos trios reunited and Claud managed to capture a darn good shot of us,

Whilst I failed terribly! #Le sigh

Trixie's energy was well spent today.
And she's had lots of fun hanging out with Pups!
Doggles is lying flat out on the floor, as I post this. 
