Saturday, December 28, 2013

Confessions of a mask junkie and her Trixie

Oops I did it again. 
Crossed over to Johore Bahru for a quick shopping session. 
I had the intention to stock up for the coming Chinese New Year, to stock up on Shoes, clothes and other what nots. 

Unfortunately, I ended up getting nothing planned, but just tons of food in the belly, and lots of mask. 

I'm in love with Mr Naruko's face mask, and the shop carried an entire range of stuff that I have never laid my eyes on before. 

So I bought them all! 
I bought the loose pieces at a promotional price of $1rm per packet. 

Well, that's 60 pieces in total, not counting the current ones at home.
How am I going to finish using them? 
I'll worry about them later. 

Trixie, was begging for food as usual, whenever I have food in my hands. 
I decides to feed her some milk froth from my cup of steamed milk, and managed to snap a few pictures of her attempting to clean up the froth from my cup. 

Priceless moments captured. 

For now, I need to sleep off all that travelling and walking that I did for the day. 
It was exhausting to wake up extremely early, just to make my way into JB. 
The immigration portion exhausted me the mostest. 

Goodnight time!