Monday, December 30, 2013

Again and again

Again and again
When will it ever stop?
I've finally got my answer after years of questioning. 

Tonight, my dear, we close off another chapter of my life and look forward to new adventures and happier times. 

After all, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
I'm thankful that moving on is always easier than looking back.
I'm also glad that there's a part of me that always do my best - which is why moving on is always easier that way. For there is no regrets left to look back for.

I'm thankful that my guts have always proved themselves more useful than anything else in the world.

Especially so, for people who never deserved my time.
It's better late than never.
Closing 2013 and looking forward to 2014 with a big happy bang!
It's already proving to be quite exciting for me as it is!
So much to share, but the time is not right. :D