Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December oh December

I apologise for the lack of entry for the past month.
I did a quick tabulation, and I'd say that the dog has not been groomed or showered for nearly a month! 
Which works out that I've been away for approximately 20-25 days! 

December has always been one of my favorite months, due to the festivities, lights, decorations and holidays. 

So where do I begin? 
Since I'm just back from China, I'll just load up random pictures of my trips as far as 3 months ago yeah? 

We'll start with Unique the long haired Garfield. 
He's growing up to be such a handsome boy!
I took these pictures of him when we brought him over to the office.
Fella helps himself to the office like he's the boss!

That's Unique lounging in daddy's room.
When daddy's not in the office, the Cat would sit on his chair, and when daddy's seated on the chair, Unique would help himself to the tables all around the office!

Look at how naturally my papa is smiling in the background. He's happy when surrounded by cats, and ever so grumpy whenever he's required to take pictures. Why? I don't know!

Confirm chop! He's a cutie pie that needs a slave.
His fur alone is a killer to maintain.
I give up brushing him, whenever I'm over. 
We ate at the Japanese restaurant downstairs the apartment that the daddy used to live in. 

Never eaten baked sharksfin before, and so the adventurous daddy decided to give it a try.
This is how it looks like...(the gap! Was because I stole a slice of it, and later remembered to take a picture of it!)

Baked pufferfish. 
It's was okay, but it tasted as if it was dipped in stale drain water, before it was baked and served.

My cha soba was normal. Nothing to rave about. 

While this has got to be the curliest tako sushi I've ever met/eaten in my life. 
Reminds me of a lizard's tail! 

The remaining assortment of sushi that I've ordered remains to be boring and conforming. 
Hungry girl decides to cease her pictures and focus on eating!

This Lunch platter that I ordered was one of the biggest mistake ever!
I usually judge and order my food based on pictures. 
My dependence on pictures in deciding my meal-to-be from pictorial illustrations sort of failed. 
Reading Chinese Menu isn't my forte.

This looked alot like fried rice with pork chops to me from the pictures. 
Look at it, it really looks like a tasty fried rice from afar what!
Turns out, it's what I call pork chop with hamster's (Multigrained) rice 
At least that's what I'm used to calling the multigrained rice

Whenever the mommy decides to be healthy, she'll cook multigrain rice for carbs. 
Eating it reminds me a lot of hamster feed that I erm...used to feed my hamsters?
They'll gnaw on it with 2 paws holding on to the grain of whatever... 
What my mom feeds me, and what I feed my hamster, I'd say that they are almost identical aesthetically. 
Cooked or uncooked. 

And here in China, i mistook multigrained rice for fried rice. 
Best Retarded move. 

I love the noodles from this shop!
The fried chick peas are quite addictive. Crunchy and tasty!
I considered attempting to buy an entire packet of fried peas from them just for snacking purpose. 
But just a little shy to ask if its for sale.
I'd usually eat them first, before starting on the noodles!
The sour spicy soup base is pretty decent.
Went for a short event, and had to sit through some talk on behalf of the father whilst he galavant away to another state for other business matters.

The event started with some drum performance that looked extremely promising.
6 girls in psuedo sexy glittery outfits.

And halfway into the drums, I realised that I could do better than the entire prancing entourage, and I started dozing off. 

I'm never made to sit still, unentertained, and remain fully awake. 

Somewhere into the talk and presentation, Catherine prodded me awake and suggested that I take a stroll around, on the condition that I do not wander away too far from the hotel premises. ( she's like my minder/mother whenever I'm over.) 
Wooo~ Freedom time!
*Escapes to the toilet*

Happy like a bird!

Escaped to the garden 

I have no idea what the goats were supposed to serve in the garden.
Feng shui, I suppose?

My signature's somewhere, if you can spot it, it's probably the only visible english word amongst the crazy chinese scribbles.

Company Banners. 
I'm still in love with Sylwia.
She's gorgeous.
And my coat that I'll never get the opportunity to wear in Singapore.

We went shopping after the sleepy presentation, until late. Rushed for the last bus home. 

Random outfits of the day.. I'm terrible at remembering to take pictures of what I wear..
especially when the sleep quota dips..

Some of my spring fabrications that I've selected for my coming collections.

Fatty cat at the convenience store.. that I always visit. 
Like me, he's always in a state of comatose whenever he's still.

Dad shifted apartment subsequently, and we were helping to shift 7.5 cats during  one of those nights that I was there.
Amidst the bustling around, Unique helped himself to the empty litter box, and he hoarded the box until we shoo-ed him away!
Silly furry baby.

This is Toots hanging out at the balcony of the new place! She's the princess of the lot, and a spoilt brat by character! 
I also noticed that her paw is dirty (because the new place wasn't properly cleaned up yet), otherwise, she's usually super super clean by nature.
Dirty paws is extremely unacceptable for Toots. She'll lick herself until it's white again.

I love her eccentric character, and She's one of daddy's favorite cats, which explains for her behavior.

I came back to Singapore shortly, and went for a badly needed haircut. 
This is how I looked after, with 2 faint fake moles on my laugh lines.

The end!