Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My muse

Just finished catching up with work from both ends.
It's amazing how I survive burning both ends of the candle sometimes.

Missed my magical sleeping hour and decided to scroll through my picture albums to calm my mind and turn off from work. 

Found some expressions from the little zoo that amused me much.

Here we have blackie *rolling his eyes away* giving me that "omg! Help me " gaze

And Trixie is usually the biggest photography victim!
*Maybe if I stare at my paw enough, the human will get the message...*
*looks up* 
*continues to stare at paws*

Whut is that scary creature that I see in the mirror?! 

Bambi: i hate Chu *death stares* 

The classic! 
Trixie: dear god, I asked for a normal human...and you gave me one who's lost her marbles...now I want a refund please.

The thing is, I can control my own expression, but the furry ones? Priceless!