Monday, May 05, 2014


Grandad gave us a hospital scare on Sunday morning, and I woke up real early to be at the hospital. 

Good news is that he's fine and is staying over for observation, and I went back home to catch up on my disrupted sleep. 
Turns out that I slept way too much in the day. and now I'm sleepless in the night. 
What do you do when you can't fall asleep? 

I.... would take selfies with a bummed face, when I'm bored.

Oh, and This is life without make up.
Feeling a little naked, I added filter to feel marginally better. 

Without filter, my eyes are lost in the land of dark eye rings. 

I've this theory where our eye ring is about the same size as our eyes when opened. 
Somewhat like the sun in water reflection. 

And as we age... 
It starts looking like this... 

Eye ring and eye bags double or triple the size of our original eyes. 

Why do human need to age? 
And also
Why can't girls magically look gorgeous without make up?

The return of the bimbo grumbles.