Thursday, June 05, 2014

Heavy reading time!

Finally gotten the chance to start on my new book! 
I declare that it's a No-paper-work-to clear (urgently) nor comcards-to-do (urgently) night. 

Work life balance time! 
I've always been a baby history buff. 

The last time I read an extensive historical book like mad was when I was still in university, and it was introduced to me by someone who was almost like a dad to me. He inspired me to read the book and I did it in about 2 weeks? 

Anyway it was 
1421-the year China discovered the world, which was mostly on Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) and his adventures round the world. Which was waay before Christopher Columbus discovered America. 
Yay! To us Chinese. 

I last read it dinosaur years ago... So I did a quick wiki and here's an excerpt of it taken from wiki that I like! 

Ok bye! 
Gonna get ice cream and start reading now! 

Baby geek