Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cats vs cats

Foster cats. 
This is my first time fostering an entire family. 
Usually it's the ophan kittens treated like scraps. 
Mommy cat is pregnant and her 2 babies are approximately 3-4 months old. 

As usual, cats just detest dogs. Therefore my foster babies are putting up in my toilet until things get friendlier. 
In the meantime, borrowing the brother's toilet whenever I remember to. 

I miss my Garfields because they are more "niap" by nature even though the ones in my toilet are human friendly, but nothing beats how human affectionate Garfields are in general as a cat breed.
Always reaching out to touch me whenever they can. 
How not to love them
Randomly selecting pictures of blackie, Bambi and Toots to reminisce.