Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lalang, ping pongs and leeches.

Personality traits. 
It's often something that is hard to describe, but yet something so alluring that pulls u in, or adversely, traits that you detest in humans in general. 

Traits can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thoughts and emotion, and are relatively stable over time, differing from various individuals. ~ source Wikipedia 

A conversation recently put me through a train of thoughts, and I just made up a mental list of personality traits that I do not respect, and do my utmost to seive these people from my life. 

Aside from the usually dishonesty traits such as lying, stealing politicking, there is really one trait that really "brings the best out of me". 

There's a Chinese phase for it. 


I googled the meaning, and it's defined as faltering, fickle, hesitant, indecisive, of two minds, uncertain, wavering. 

In other words, these are time wasters. 
And time wasters, rarely make it big in life.

Why so cruel and why so sure, you may ask. 

Well, it is because their brain is like a fucking ping pong. 

Bounce here, bounce there, and they have no freaking clue where their end destination is, until the ball momentum stops. 
If you leave your life to fate and divination and not take action to seize control of it, might I ask in return: 

How can anyone respect people who sits on the fence?

How can anyone depend on them to cover your back when you need them? 

Would you stake on your vote/money/life on these people? 

These aren't leaders. 
These aren't loyal supporters. 
These are leeches who suck where the blood is aplenty, and crawl off when the blood thins. 
And they are usually alone.

The Lalang plant that sways where the wind blows, and bends where there is "advantage" for them to profit. 
Never having the resolute to stand firm on their toes. 

And in my words, people with this wavering traits, are the scariest to surround yourself with. 

Perhaps if nicely put, it's a survival trait, but to survive based on such inconsistent values, why even be proud to be alive?

For one can be certain where your enemy stands, and what they are fighting for, but you do not know where these ping pongs balls will roll to and under what circumstances will they abandon you, or worst betray you when you are weak.

Scary indeed? 

It's like the movie 300. 
Live your life gloriously, and die when you have to. Like the Spartans in exchange for something that they believe to protect.
Not like that goelum looking creature that betrays. Wavering, swaying where the wind blows because he cannot bear to be alone with no one to surround him.

There's nothing wrong with being opinionated and outspoken about it. 
It might sound harsh to fight a cause alone, or in minor quantity. 

But at least you stand up for something you believe in, and people will gravitate towards your cause. 

Like attracts like

For example; Trees have roots. 
The deeper the roots, the better to hold against a mighty storm. 
It also shelters people from harsh weathers, and provides home to living creatures. 
The tree may stand alone, but the little birds, butterflies, caterpillar, ferns mushroom, snakes gravitate towards the tree for shelter, for food, for support.

That's how one should live their life. 
Stand tall, stand proud, and stand up for your values, as long as you think it's right.
