Friday, November 20, 2015

Off days

I pushed myself pretty hard at work, the past week. 
Off the record, I try to do work everyday,
Even if it's weekends, it does wonders to counter inertia for me. 

Today happens to be one of those "off" days. I woke up, slothed around, and didn't manage to accomplish anything in particular.

Checked email..
Had lunch.. 
Mostly pastries from PS cafe with complements from Le boyfriend. 

Bread... Sweet things... Salty things...

Felt oozy, and fell back asleep. 
Pastry coma?
InWoke up in the evening and rushed out of the house to run some errands that I haven't gotten round to. 
Besides walking off the afternoon sleep,  seems like a good idea. 

Rushed out together with le boyfriend, and he applauded me for my record time. 
10 minutes to make up, dress up and leave the house.
Ooh I hate that sort of feeling. 
I'm typically the 2 hours, walk around and take my own sweet time sort of girl

As I hit the malls, the realization hit me on my feet.

Le sigh
How and why is it that I only notice my footwear after I set foot into Ion orchard? 

Errr.. Luckily they were both silver? 
And the flatties are of the same height. 

Well I got myself new footwear and went about with my business.

That is to Walk off all that energy, and to do some shopping.

Well that must have worked. 
I reached home and fell asleep AGAIN. 

Work up to roast some chicken, ate it up, and kept dropping stuff (food) on the floor, and bumping into things randomly in the house.

The dog is happy tonight from random food scraps on the floor. 
Luckily, damage wasn't so bad, as she's the sort that ask for permission before she attacks food that lands on the ground.

In anycase, I figured that today's klutz day is really my brain's way of declaring that it needs a break. 

And now it's time for bed, and when I wake up, it's back to "on" days please! 
