Monday, November 14, 2005

sloth i am

Now that i've got more spare time, and nothing much to do,
I've decided to do be alittle more narcisstic..and upload pictures of my new hairdo...

haha, so silly, but oh well....

From my long mousy Ash brown hair,

to my purple power cropped hairdo!!

unfortunately, purple power fades off faster than you can actually say "yummy"!
So it's now a shade of prunish brown with an occasional tinge of purple. Urgh!

I know it's monday blues, but somehow, i can't help feeling sluggish today, with my rested sleep, slugging in front of my glitzii laptop, munching on a packet of chocolate "snails" that boo boo's mom got for me, from Provence the bread shop.

Listening to the occassional whistles from my ever greedy pig and a whiff of the yummy broiled soup that mommy's brewing for dinner... (*sniff sniff* it's water cress soup the nose declared!)

This is the ultimate epitome of being a sloth for a day.
Unfortunately, all this sloth enjoyment is only staying for a really short while....
I got to start shaping up, to prepare for my coming MAB exams at the end of this month.

No im not off my nuts. I've still got an exam to sit for.
Cartoon watching seem appealing .... so i shall move my attention off to the black boggle box now.....