Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!
I had fun celebrating my Eve. Our quiet, but quality kind of celebration. =)
Boo boo & i decided to do away with the friends, and just have a quiet dinner. Haha!

Dinner menu consists of:

Starters: my favourite vege chicken soup, with button mushrooms, potatoes, onions, carrots boiled with spices, and made with lots of love!

Main course: Cheese Fondue! with dippers like, asparagus, broccoli, sausage, button mushrooms, bread, potatoes.

Desserts: Log cake and jelly! (we were too stuffed to move on to desserts)

I had a good time eating, and everything's good, especially the chicken soup!! Mmmm!
Well, we could improve on the fondue sauce... (we cheated, and bought the instant fondue, instead of creating it from the scratch! hee..)
The instant fondue sauce was alittle too generous with the white wine.... overeating it was alittle scary after awhile. But i like it still! =)

Introducing to you.... my new Lacoste shopping bag!!! *big happy grinz*

And a new box of Chocolate wafer to replaced my old one, and 2 new addions, a petite truffle kirsch, and an orange flavoured truffle =) Isn't my boo such a sweet boy?

We decided to go over to Phoebe's party after dinner, and we left shortly at 11plus!
Boo wished me a Merry christmas while he was sending me home!
The poor boo's gotta work tomorrow morning!!! *grrr*

There's gonna be a tepanyaki/steamboat at home later, to celebrate christmas!
dinner with the boo on christmas eve, and dinner on christmas itself with the folks!

I am going to be one realy fat pig!!

Alright, i gotta wake up early, to accompany mommy to get food for my big feast in the morning! *yawn* gotta go!