Saturday, December 03, 2005

new hairdo!

yes i did it again!
I've changed my hair color yet again. It's quite a serious addiction, and on a serious note, i did it coz it's it's beginning to look ugly, with black roots peaking out.. (absolutely disgusting!)
Which is the precise reason why i always hated dyeing my hair and especially dyeing it a really light shade of color.

Kate gave me a dark base color also know as Chocolate. (It's the name of the color, and it resembles nothing like chocolate, Haha!) and there's s the super red streaks in the front and the sides of my hair, with violet as the under tone to complement the red (which is totally unnoticeable coz the red's simply overpowering)

yes im a happy girl, once again. =)
I'm rather worried that my hair's going to frazzle from all that harsh recoloring/bleaching, so i'll have to stop fiddling with my hair, until my hair grows out.

Zoe's finally got her phone, and last i heard from her, she's cursing (yes it's the @#$#$%@ kind of cursing). The Sony Ericsson K750i that she's just purchased, is defective. Yes she's so so mad. Haha..

it's such a pity that i wouldn't be able to watch her go mad tomorrow, when she gets back to Starhub to exchange for a working phone. It'll just be so entertaining!

It's Doreen's wedding tomorrow, and everyone at home is going mad about what to wear, how to accessorize. Mommy nearly drove me nuts. Da & i came up with a million options for her, and none of them seem to be satisfying. It's either wrong sash, or wrong heels or wrong necklace blah blah.. so picky!

i've decided to dress weird tomorrow, for the tea ceremony. After all, i've been itching to dress up as a hobo chick for a long time, but just didn't have the time to do so.
It's this really long smocked navy empire dress with corduroy pants. So it's gonna look really weird, heavy, and overdone-ded. but i just can't explain why i actually wanna wear it, despite knowing that it's a weird combination.

who knows, i may change my mind tomorrow.
I guess tomorrow's gonna be a "fashion" spread, coz i'm anticipating lots of pictures, with cousins and siblings and more cousins! So exciting!!!!!