Saturday, March 18, 2006


I haven't been blogging much, as predicted in my earlier entries.
Im finally done with my marketing test today, though i do have to admit that i didn't study as much as i would have wanted myself to achieve.
my second Managment accounting test went horribly i'll prefer not to talk about it at all..
Anyways, as promised, some random pictures that i took recently....

A shot of my boo after his new haircut and brows. Haha.. I know the light in the background's a tad too bright. But somehow.. i kinda like the effect, so i chose not to edit the picture. =)

Thanks to Si hui, Jocelyn and Danli for the very cutely wrapped pressie! The card looks so cute right??

The weird looking panda that i posed with at the Com Fair..

Mr Panda looked exhausted, and alittle out of proportion! But still, im very much tickled by the weird face look. He currently working for Panda antivirus software.... Haha

Oh did i mention that i passed my first management accounting test? Managed to score a credit! Im overjoyed, but it's only 10% *anticlimax* Haha.
Well, i managed to watch V for Vendetta on thursday with my boo, and we had dinner at NYDC.. the baked rice are just delicious beyond words.

I learned that im not one who really fancies corn beef, and i also learned that cowa bunga serves very little corned beef. But I didn't order the corn beef. I ordered the Mushroom and ham rice ( i usually eat the 3 amigos, which is why im raving on and on about the ham and mushroom..). It's so yummy! Just thinking of it, makes me wanna eat it all over again. *smiles*

Well well... now that we're done with the happy stuff, let's move to the sad bits.
Granddad passed away at 3.20am on friday at the Hospice.
He passed away while sleeping, and i think it's definitely a big relief for him to be able to rest well for once. Having battled cancer for years, i've seen how much he has fought and suffered, and how much this illness has taken away from him - the ability to eat, and talk. Little things that we take for granted, meant the world to him.

The sacrifices people around him has made, especially yvonne and family, where words alone can't express my gratitude to them, for looking after granddad day and night, for ah yi who's constantly been shuffling around, to attend to his needs, no matter how exhausted she is.

It is truly in times like this, that we learn to appreciate the support and help that was shown to us, which in turn helped us grow into stronger people, to face the harsh reality that the world has to offer.
