Saturday, May 13, 2006

i got pretty engrossed with the candybar doll maker.
The hi tech version of "paperdolls" that i used to play. I've been at it since 2am til like 5am! 3 Hours! Haha I'm that bored *bleh*

Paper dolls... you know those cardboard japanese like dolls that comes in a magazine or a book that's filled with illustrations of dresses and clothes, where u detach them from the book, fold the tabs around the shoulder area, and hang those "clothes" onto the paper standee doll to dress her up? Yes you definitely know what paperdoll is!

I recall that none of my doll's ever lasted long, coz they always get a little creased up from all that abuse and accidents of squishing or stepping on her blahblahblah... (im never a good owner who takes cares of dolls...much less paper dolls la)

Yup Paperdolls! Whee!

Oh the online version allows me to choose her hairstyle, hair color, facial features, the clothes, shoes, switching from the cowgirl look, to bikini babe, to the uptown urban chic look and the best of all, they dont get crumpled or destroyed, what more can i ask for? hahaha Yeah... it entertained me for hours. Click
here to have a go!
There's version 3 too, but i'm more comfortable with version 2, despite the "older" fashion.