Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back from Barley land!

I'm back! In fact, i have been back and bumming around for a few days already.
In my words, i have been busy being "jetlagged", despite the lack of time difference between Bali and Singapore. Hurhurhur.
Life is good there, and i am sorry to be back in Singapore.

As for my life over in Bali, all i did was to shop alittle, surf alittle, boogie board alittle, and came home with a slight tummy rash, and a tan! Whooo Hoo!!

Mommy says that i look like a scrawny little girl with twigs for arms, and everyone (except for Roy) thinks that Boo and i are kinda tanned and dark.

Being known for their surf culture there, Shopping in Bali was all about RipCurl, Billabong, Quicksilver, and other smaller brands like Insight, Volcom, Mooks and etc.
Since i am not much of a surfer chick, shopping was alittle boring for me. However, the interior decoration of the surfshops are really innovative and eye catching!

There was this new shop that had the firemen pole, and we are all invited to slide down from the second level, to the first level. I would have given sliding a try, if it was not for the fact that i was wearing a skimpy short shorts - which could have given me an inner thigh abrasion. *sulks*

Another shop hung real aeroplane in their store, while others have pretty fitting rooms, jeeps to display merchandise on, and there was a Surfer Girl store that employed live local models to pose and be pretend mannequins! How exciting!

The variety of bikinis, shorts, tees, bags, flip flops that these stores carry, can drive everyone crazy! Extremely spoilt for choice, if it wasn't for the fancy price tags that accompanied the pretty merchandise, i would have bought the entire place down just for the sake of spending and buying, though conversion proved to be alittle brain damaging for me, as i practised my rusted mathetical skill of division.

It is exasperating to be counting the zeros in the currency, taking me quite a while to calculate the prices, when in the midst of bargaining. Arrrghh, all that mental sums drove me crazy!

After awhile, i decided that it would be faster to ask Winston or Boo how much 200 000 rupiah is in SGD, rather than to calculate mentally - because i am lazy. Hur hur hur.

The people were friendly, and the standard of living is definitely waayyy more affordable, as compared to Phuket, and the caucasian crowd there is definitely younger, fitter and cuter! (Phuket seemed like a retirement land for the old and wrinkled - interested only in sunbathing their crumply raisin like skin!)

Oh glory to the eye feast i had! And i am also pretty sure that Boo had a good time oogling at some Japanese chicks and other topless eyecandies that were sunbathing at the beach! I learnt to surf and boogie board alittle, where i spent most of my time
tumbling around somewhere in the sea like a rag cloth tossed in the washing machine, or wading and resisting against the strong water currents. Maneuvering the surfboard around proved to be problematic, and most of the time, i get thwacked by the surfboard when a strong wave curls by.

Yup, i left Bali with brusies on the legs, head and ear, but i like surfing still! (despite the fact that my moment of glory only lasted for like 3 seconds, I am already telling Boo that i wanna go back to Bali in July! (yes he's sweated and promptly fainted when i told him!)

In the night, we played a fair bit of the game - Domino, in paper cardboard form with Winston and Gigi, and switched to playing memory games with our Domino pack when we got bored.

Playing memory game on 2 sets of Dominoes is definitely a brain damaging experience as we try to match and remember the positions of over 50 cards!

The remaining time was spent floating in the pool, and sitting in the room requesting for movies to be played on the room telly, to laze about when digesting our breakfast/lunch/dinner.

I have taken the liberty to load some of our pictures in FACEBOOK. *smiles*
For those who does not have a facebook account, it is about time to sign up for one, because it is fun! (and do add me when your facebook account is up, ya?).

So if you would like to view my Bali pictures, click here.
If not then you would just have to make do with my little compiled ones that i have posted in here.

I had lots of fun over the past 1 week, and i wished that i shopped alittle more! Boo!