Saturday, June 23, 2007

random updates

Random pictures, random entries..
Here we go!

Dressed up for my last salsa class, and also for the Shrek Party that Kenny invited us to. Lailin and i took forever to flag a cab down (cabbing was definitely my "bright" idea) after Salsa classes, and we were extremely tempted to make our way up to Union Square after standing around cabless for over an hour.

Our conscience eventually brought us to Clark Quay, Attica and somehow being at the Shrek party, definitely made me feel old, despite the fact that i was being carded by the bouncer.
Ahahha, well being typical, i have been pushing away the notion of collecting my NRIC at ICA, so i showed the Attica bouncer my police report instead.

Pictures of the Shrek party that i have received so far... Mitch and I clicking away!

Pictures of Da and I on Wednesday. Yay! We've finally gotten the chance to work together at St James!
Well, post work comment, making our way home was amusing!
Mark, who also happened to be driving a Mazda 3, came to pick Da up after work, and while Quacks came to pick me up.

So happened that both Da and I seperately decided to make our way home first, before heading out again....and so if you think about it, 2 mazda, heading towards the same destination, travelling on the same route.
On our way back, Da and i were exchanging bimbotic waving and silly faces, at every other traffic light that we had to stop at! Bimbotic, but definitely fun! Hahaha!
I bet the security guard must have thought we were mad, or dumb!

Someone's received shopping voucher and a card + letter for his good behaviour! It's such a pretty card with a nice blue sheen to it! I tried to capture the sheen, but apparently failed. Anyways! Cheers to the outstanding Quacks! So proud of you, and yay! Shopping vouchers for meeee!! *grinz*

If only life isn't filled with worries, doubts, choices, responsibilites and fear, this picture would definitely be a great way to spend the rest of my life. Yet exactly how does one be sure about the choices one makes? I'm not too sure about it, but i am certainly trying to look at life in more than one perspective. Yes, it may be a waste of time, but the bigger the stakes, the longer you consider and weigh your options. After all, there IS alot to lose. More time is necessary, to escape from realism. Thank you for indulging me in my extravagance? Yes it's a choice that i really want.