Friday, November 23, 2007

Mood pendulums

Mood pendulum strikes again.
Moody tantrums, erratic state of mind, being angsty..
I have no idea what are the causes to my eccentric temperament, but i am definitely in a foul mood.

On a particular matter, i cannot quite decide if i'm overtly sensitive on my part, but my intuition tells me that someone dislikes my demeanor, and is secretly trying very hard to surpass me in whatever she sees in me ( i swear i'm talentless in it), so i have absolutely no idea why she'll fancy rat-racing me.

Not that it AFFECTS me in anyway, but being a girl, I sense the brewing animosity, and it is extremely appalling and offending!

Like an irritating miniscule splinter, i just have to get this off my chest and say this:
Everyone has talents of their own which makes us unique, and it's YOUR choice to work your talents to your advantage, rather than to eye others with green eyes.
All my life, girls either hate my guts or love me for who i am.
Not that i care ( the only reason why i'm bitching about this, is because i detest being singled out for no apparent reason, and it pisses me off big time, afterall what is the point of benchmarking a pear to an apple? To vie for the position of best fruit in the basket?! It's absurb!)
So let's just establish the facts loud and clear.

1) I AM obnoxious by nature, it's embedded deeply in me. I talk as if i own the lands, seas and skies, and that i'm good at everything!
2) I exude snotty aura. Arrogance oozes out from my pores every minute and second.
3) Everyone knows that beneathe my aloof exterior, i am rubbish. I talk nonsense, and crack unfunny jokes.
4) I spend half my life distinguishing myself from the average crowd because i loathe being compared to/with - i am unprecedented.
5) I am a very straight forward person. If something's not right or could be done better in my opinion, i say it like i think it - afterall, it is not within my character to prettify words.
It is just too bad that you're not in sync with reality.

Feedbacks and criticisms falls between a fine line, take your pick.

There's no love lost for me anyway. Hahahahha.