Friday/Saturday/Sunday - Salsa Chalet
I spent that last of my term break holidays at the En Soul Salsa chalet/workshop with the people from school team and gotten the chance to know each of them better, because being Daphne, i didnt really have much opportunity to interact with each individual previously, given my absurb schedule.
Given the amount of insane people in our group, it it tough not to have fun, thought i'd say that i played more Saboteur than to dance salsa at the chalet! Hahaha!
Pictures of us while Z was conducting the Argentin Latin workshop before dinner.
Looking at our body language, i'd say we were all listening intently!
Yippee! I can sort of body wave now! Heeheehe...
Making my random silly dash for the camera when it went off, as i wasn't sure if the timer mode of the olympus was functioning or not. Hahaha!
A proper group shot at last! I was using ricky's Chevrolet as my tripod, which explains for the slant.
Post chalet, i crashed into bed by noon and fell deeply asleep on Sunday. Zzzz
Psss: updated xmas pictures has been received!
They will be added into my previous entry, just to make my entries neater.