Monday, July 21, 2008

Being an ENFP truely.

I was about to sleep, when i realised that momsy beat me to it! ARggh, and she will so not be thrilled to find out that i left the working men alone to their own devices - Not that there's anything valuable around anyway.

Since i was in school earlier, i decided to drop by my beloved locker of 4 years, to clear my stuff away! I chanced upon some empty Myer Briggs Type Indicator test that was left behind (usually my kind ones like Robin or Mr Tin tin, who collects lecture notes for me when i'm not around). Besides i've always taken the personality test online... so why not fill up the hard copy version just for kicks? I thought to myself.

Well turns out that i'm through and through an ENFP still.
The Extraversion, iNuition, Feeling, Perceiving personality.
Googled for a few intrepretations, and most of the description traits seems to fit me like a Tee, and it kind of made me clap in glee and amazement!

The ENFP is often linked to key words like inspirer and visionary, and some of the write up can be found here and here as well!