and i'd say that i have been alittle disappointed with myself for being easily distracted by the external environment.
However, i'm determined to bring myself back on track and take it as a good break, afterall distractions are meant to make u sidetrack from the original intention and to examine from the unusual perspective that you probably wouldnt do on a daily basis.
So i would say that it's been a good holiday, where u learn to tackle things from a whole new perspective. Wow wee! Things do happen for a reason. *smiles*
Being busy with work allows me to buy myself the time to look for a job that i truly want,
and hopefully it'll all be worth it, and that i wont get all comfortable with my current life and just settle for the second best.
As like how someone would like to remind me, i havent gone very far from where i started off a year ago, and that really made me angry.
Yes, i may not have done and accomplished anything with a flourish and a bang to show to all, but to tell me that i haven't moved very far is really mean. It hurt quite abit to hear that from him, because i know i have progressed a long way since i last stepped out from the " pretty snowglobe" world.
It's as if he's telling me that i have been very disillusioned with my personal progress, or that i simply thought too highly of myself (No i'm not that obnoxious yet).
On the contrary, I have never been more disciplined with myself when it comes to routines, and tasks that i dread, and it was especially evident while i was studying for the exams.
I haven't been ridiculously late for important meetings, and i've brought my monstrous temper in check - and it's almost as if i've got no temper to speak of anymore, and like a welcome doormat everyone's stepping all over me, rubbing shit and whatnots onto the mat, before moving on. (that's probably an exaggeration, but i've definitely been a nice kitty even to people who pisses me off big time).
Distractions aside, i'm bursting in excitement about possible opportunitieis and developments that i'm afraid to say it aloud for the fear of jinxing. Grrrr
Meet my new haircut! Not much of a cut, mostly just trimming - so that i will stop looking like a shaggy little sheep dog.