Friday, February 06, 2009

pix!e and scrabbles : the photoshoot

Pixie and scrabbles did a short photo shoot session not too long ago, and the pictures turned out to be so adorably cute that i can hardly resist the urge to post them up to share!
Pixie being her usual self, was the more photographer friendly of the 2, as she hardly moves around, unlike the very hyper and uncooperative bunny. It was a pity that the photographer did not capture pictures of the both of them chilling out together.
Here we go, the princess with her tropical flower headgear,   with a hawaii feel! :)
Pixie with her "hey kitty, i think you're  a tad heavy!" expression. 
The stuffed toy line up..
Hey... we share similar body shape and features, Mr Wombat!
Wanna be friends? Pixie whispered.

She then proceeded to groom Mr Wombat who hails from Australia

Pixie's developed some sort of maternal instinct in her lately, where she'll happily groom and barber the fur of stuffed toys, and even the bunny, when he pops by her place for a short visit.
All that junk fur that she's ingested... it suddenly occurred to me that her long stint of bald patches could have been caused by her own barbering ( a cry of attention, an extension of boredom perhaps) , on the contrary to what the Vet at St James Animal Hospital suggested. To think of it, her bald patches were extended to her bottom half of her body, instead of being a whole bald pig!
Gah! Stupid pig!

I wondered if it was a mistake, not getting her a companion throughout these years? It's however too late to regret now, and i am rather sure that being used to having her own living space, she would not like sharing.

Mr scrabbles the Bunny has fattened up considerably since he set foot into the Lee household. 
He came in scrawny, and wild, living off hamster food for months before we adopted him (according to Da's sob story for scrabbles), but look at him now!
He's grown into such a fine, fat mister!

black bunny vs toy bunny
He looks kinda cute and handsome, as contrasted by the cute little stuffed bunny on the left of the picture.
The stuffed toy line up..
I'd think that Scrabbles looks more toyish, as compared to pixie. 
Not forgetting the very adorable white spot on his nose, and his very large, long lashed eyes.
He looks so...snobbily cute here..
and a disgruntled bunny who's upset when the photographer placed the stuffed kitty on him. Hah!
You have no idea how idiotic he used to be when we first adopted him.

1) The spoilt brat refused to eat proper bunny food when he first arrived, picking through the delicious hamster food that he's accustomed to,  and outrightly rejecting the bunny pellets that were discreetly mixed into his food bowl.

2) He'll dash around the house madly and bring the entire family on a "wild bunny" chase whenever we let him out of his cage compound.
By darting around, i'm referring to a scenario similar to playing rugby ~ only that our "rugby ball" dashes around by himself, and involving the sister, brother and myself in a wild bunny chase.
He'll "chiong" under the sofa, and loves hide in places where he's not easily detected - like how he'd conveniently slot himself into the shoe rack, until i thought quizzically about  spotting a furry shoe on the shoe rack..and other similar scenarios.

3) Aside from his mad dashing/hide and seek stint, he's got the violent tendency to nip Da and myself in tender area like my tummy and my inner thighs with his rather sharp bunny teeth whenever we try to carry or cuddle him.

Gosh, he was definitely one crazy, defiant bunny i tell you.
but look at him now, all fat, cuddly and tame.
He hopes around leisurely,  and he's happy to chomp his boring bunny food, especially so when it comes to japanese pet treats.  That's when he'll grab his pretzel stick in his mouth, and run off to a corner to enjoy his treat, as like how a dog would do so with a bone.
so cute!