Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Hello Kitty Watch!

Seriously, i'm in the midst of writing another post actually.
But I saw this on FB.
Now I need to write this, and eat Happy Meal to get the hello kitty watch.

I swear it's Mac's evil plot to make me eat Macs, over and over again,
even tho I said i'll swear off Macs for a good couple of months after the Coke Glass Can saga.

Look at it!
It's Madam Meow with RED BOW!
So Chio!

It's ♥! Over and over again!

It has to be a red kitty bow. 
I know you guys are all sick and tired of me preeeeeeching about how my meow has to have
RED bow, Not pink, not gold, not any color.
RED Good.
Decided to change the color of the "Like" to red just for kicks!

Ok, I shall revert back to my other original post that I'm working on.

Contact lens review!
Just because I can't find much review/ pictures of people posting with pictures of them wearing their contact lens on the www.
I shall do my part.
