Monday, October 24, 2011

I must have done something right..

I'm in one of my pensive moods tonight.
As I attempt to catch up with paperwork, and as usual am feeling hungry - and as I munch up my  nonya rice dumpling that mom bought for my "breakfast".. I thought to myself that I must have done something damn right in my last life, to have deserved such a great mom. :D

For everything that she has done for me for the past 28 years, oh make that 29 - coz she puked her guts out for 9 entire months until she delivered me..

You know, like cleaning up after I've pooped as a baby - or all the countless sleep she's lost from a wailing baby - and all the trips to hospitals and doctors, just because I'm a problematic kiddo with 20,000 ailments to boot. - screaming at me when I've been naughty - financially supporting me when I'm broke - all the toys I made her buy whenever I fancy one - my eternal mess that trails after me, that she has to put up with (she's a perfectionist/neat Nazi) - all the food she's fed me, where her food investments in me never quite tally with the weighing scales. - the better portion of food she gives up like more meat in my bowl and she keeps the boney bits to herself - the fancy holidays - even the smell of my pets - my almost autistic personality that she has to endure- never ending laundry and aiyah to sum it up, all my nonsense.

Sure we have our screaming matches about how many earrings I should have (1 ear each, in her opinion), or hair color - original if she had her way back when I was a rebellious teenie, or whether I'm allowed to stay out later than midnight, or the never ending debate about "staying out of my affairs coz I know what i'm doing" and she'll still be supportive no matter how she disagrees etc

I'm just glad that she did not dump me in some random ophanage, or throw me in a dustbin and leave me to rot to death, or disown me for being such a difficult kid
(I highly suspect I might just dump my future kids into the trash if they ever dare to rebel or be difficult. Lol)
For all the love she showered, all the tears and tantrums she's put up with, and the money she spent on tuitions, ballet/piano/computers/art classes , the time and patience she's given me, and food and blahblahblah

Like I said, I must have done something damn right in my last life, to have deserve my mom.
I still dont think she spoils me (even tho she insist that i'm spoilt), but I'm damn sure she loves me (and the siblings) la.

#emo night
#mother appreciation night
I love my mommy..