Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm ill

Not sure if this is going to be full blown.
But i'm officially sick.

Sorethroat, clammy hands and feverish all at the same time (never confirmed the temperature bit)
Spent the whole day in bed, waking up to reply text, and ignoring a big chunk of it the entire day, while breathing out hot air out like a dragon the entire day.
It's evolved to raspy phlegmy throat with itchy throat that requires coughing to solve the itch.

I hate how everything has its ups and down.
One minute you'll be damn happy over a slice of banana chocolate cake, and next moment, you suffer from sore throat from the chocolate.

Same with eating up crackers.
Why cant ANYTHING remain up and remain there forever.
Like let me finish the entire cake without making me sick,
or eating too much sweets and ending up with a tummyache
Stay up late all night, without feeling like shit the next day.
Have awesome skin without zits FOREVER..

It's like sitting on the airplane. I like it up in the air (if it's with in flight entertainment)
I hate being grounded in the plane waiting and waiting.

Same for holidays.
You go away anticipating and happy, and come back home sad about having to resume the boring life.

One minute i'm rejoycing over the new phone, next thing i'm too sick to bother about the phone.

The list goes on rather extensively....

Shall end this post in more positive times!
My Heart shaped icecream in Raspberry cheesecake flavour which tasted alot like the Ripple flavour.
Yay! I haz pretty icecream to noms the other afternoon.

While i'm now sick, pimply and feeling yucky.