Wednesday, March 21, 2012


There's nothing wrong with wanting things to be perfect.

It takes a dreamer to come up with a vision.
Yet a vision without a series of action will only remain a dream.

There is nothing wrong with nit-picking.
A nit-picker who criticizes and learn from the problem is an opportunist
A nit-picker who criticizes and does the same thing or nothing is probably just a grumbler.

There is nothing wrong with having expectations.
Truth be told that the closer one is to me, the higher the bar of expectations.
And the mere passerby, I have none.
Coz if they are shitty, it's just easy to flick the shit away.

It's the ones that we hold close to, that we would expect more - just because they are special with so much potential to be better.

I used to wonder why the parents would pick possibly everything that I do.
Like if I showed them an art piece, that I've generated they'll praise and nit pick - and suddenly the art piece feels like rubbish.
Like if I showered and came out of the toilet too quickly - I probably didnt wash myself properly.
If I drink too much bubble tea, the pearls are gonna give you cancer, or the sugar - diabetes.
After awhile, it sort of gets numb - and classified as one of those you're never good enough theory.

But if we all ponder about it a little further, (at least I did) - its because the parents wanted me to be better than what I already am.

People alway lament about the what ifs in life, and compare their lives with someone else way off chart and blahblah.. and prolly end up being jealous and go way off with the Criticism.

Take this 16 year old girl by the initials of N.N - there's been so much hype about her - it's amazing how much haters she rakes in everyday.
I see tons of girls spaming her for putting on too much make up, for being fake, for hanging out with high profile people, for posting only pretty and augmented picture of herself.

Seriously people, that's how she dreams of her life to be at the moment, and instead of being jealous of her, or lament about how god is unfair, use that energy to propel some self improvements la.

There's a reason why she's the opportunist, and you're merely the grumbler.
She grows and improves from all the stuff people shoot at her, while the haters just keep hating her and dont do a thing to improve themselves?

Talk is cheap.
If you'll spend the effort and time to improve something, you'll see the results.
And if you put efforts into something, there's nothing wrong with being a showoff about it either.

You want nice abs, you'll have to be diligent with the ab crunching and food abstinence .
You want an obedient pet, you'll have to be diligent in making effort to train your pet.
You want to look good, you'll have to put the effort in to do it.
You want better relationships with people, then you'll have to spend time and effort in knowing/understanding the person better.
You want to be rich, you'll have to work hard and smart to earn it (plus luck)
Nothing is free.

And everyone hates a showoff - but if you put in effort into making it good, it deserves some show and tell (instant gratification for good effort, no?).
Too much is annoying though.

Perpetual chicken and egg problem, if you ask me.
Back to the serious stuff, people can only throw feedbacks at you.
Whether you listen or not, its your choice.
But of course, sieve out the unnecessary ones and tell the rubbish ones to fug some spiders if required.

It also knocks out every bit of perseverance within, just to see how much substance you're made of.
That, my friend, is life.

I'm learning to suck it all up at the moment.
Yay! Because that is life too.
