Saturday, March 17, 2012

*%#$! Week so far

Its been a swear worthy week for me so far.
It's not my character to elaborate too much about work, so I'll leave it as that.
And I even got puked on when I set foot into zouk.
It was some major projectile and It was absolutely gross and filthy.
Killed my joy totally.

Shitty week aside,
Been trying to comfort self that everything happens for a reason, so I'll just need to be patient and let things work out by itself and do lots of teeth gritting.

On the bright side, my broken window handle has been fixed!
I went to the hardware shop at holland village shopping centre, and my hero dropped by to screw them into place. Woots!
Good bye gaping window whenever the air condition is being switched on, it's annoying to have a gaping window around.
It's also super scary whenever it rains!

The parents are back from their India trip, with pashmina, bangles, funky pants, leather purses and that's about it.

I hope murphy is done with his law theory, and that things will take a turn for good from here please.
 This week's suay luck is totally unnecessary, and Im hoping that I'll lucked out on the Suay part by now.

Looking forward to some quiet time, perhaps a facial, a swim, online shopping and probably just walking really slowly.

For now, let's get cracking for st Patrick's celebration tonight!