Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Passport pictures

Renewal of my travelling passport is seriously annoying.
I've never gotten to the part of complaining about how wayward the agency site is.

For starters, I applied for the renewal for like 200 times in total, and it failed 200 times whenever I get to the paying bit.

I wrote an angsty email to their techie about the problem I was facing and their generic reply was terribly epic.

Here we go, xoxo from their techie.

HOW IN THE WORLD IS CHROME, SAFARI & MAC not considered human worthy?!
To think that Singapore prides itself as a tech savy country.
Technological/ state of the art sort of level, and their official government website is not high tech enough to support Mac and chrome users?!
Last I check.. Mac users is increasing like mad, and chrome is google, and a part of windows.

These people dont need to renew passport huh?
it's like @#(&@!

I borrowed the brother's laptop to do the deed, and the brother sniggered at my request of
Could you boot up your internet explorer please?
Dude was like... omg, the last time I opened up the IE, was when I first bought the laptop - to install to Mozilla and opera.

Next in line,

They rejected my submitted picture, stating that my attire was not appropriate.
You're talking about a girl who loves to break / flout all the possible attire rules back in school. I do believe that I've got my base covered.
I read through the entire website, on rules and regulations, and NOTHING said that I could not look "naked" in my passport picture.


Revised the picture and added straps on.
My newly added straps aren't symmetrical, but it's not like anyone is going to care right?!

The passport better be approved soon.
I'm really getting very sick of the entire fiasco and effort involved.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, my love for all government related chores are usually 
quite epic.
I do not think they are finding fault with me, but it's just that the system is built with too much constraints, too much red tape, too much rules and regulations.
That people can no longer think for themselves, BUT just follow everything that has been mapped out.

Grave issues to the max.
Le Sigh

On happier notes, the brother showed me a 9gag post that got me started on 9gag AGAIN.