Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Epic email from daddy and an introduction to his cat tree..

Was rotting online and I received the most epic email from daddy. EVER.
He was updating the fam about his new baby kittens bred in China, and I burst out laughing to myself reading what he wrote.

Pardon his written english.
They've since gone down the drain from spending too much time in China.

My dad's making comparison between his cats and his 3 kids.
Le sigh.


This is baby Hachiko.
Daddy's first Garfield Cat in China.
He's a cross breed between the Persian and American Shorthair.
It's official name is called Exotic Shorthair - but my dad fondly refers to them as his garfields.
They are known to be similar to Persian Cats in temperment, only with shorter denser furcoats.

 Anyway, Hachiko grew up looking to be a Fat Yakuza looking daddy kitty. -_-"

Mommy Cat is called Fat girl ( Fat Meimei)
She's very much prettier, compared to Hachiko.

Anyway, Batch 1 Kittens look like this.
They are about slightly over a year old now.

 Left is our Miss Fatty (Kutu) and on the right is her brother Little yellow when they were a couple of months old, camping out at the old office.

Miss Fatty is apparently a really sleepy cat.

She's currently weighing 5kg, and that's about the same weight as Trixie the Dog!

She sleeps practically everywhere.
Dad can make her pose anyhow, and she sleeps on anyway.
Cute huh?
That's miss fatty estimated to be 2 months old camping out at a spare work desk area.
Looking at the way she sleeps, i'm feeling sleepy too.

Batch 2 Kitties. 
They are currently less than 2.5 Months old 
This is Ben the authentic Garfield in color, features and gender.
He's apparently more dumbwitted as compared to Sam.

This is Sam - we're not sure what went wrong, but he doesnt seem to have inherited his family's button nose.
I joked that this one's got his grandparent's 20% foreign blood, or might have plastic surgery to get himself a nice nose bridge.

Weird facts.
Apparently "garfields" have a straight lined feature (refer to Ben and Hachiko's facial shot for reference).  
Their eyes and nose formed almost a straight line, while normal cats usually have a triangular feature that looks like this -.-

Most, in fact he says ALL female cats are tricolored
Male cats are always dual colored
I challenged my dad about this.
Coz our old cat, Murry is female and all my life she's always been my Black and White cat.
Where the bleep is the third color lurking around at?
He says she's got some slight grey fur that I probably never took note of, like the borders of her patches between the black and white areas..
Can't dispute that, since she's no longer alive.

Apparently google supports this theory.
Genetically, all tricolored cats will be female because of the chromosomes involved.

simply put, the genetic coding for orange or black fur is contained on the X chromosome. Since female animals have two X chromosomes (XX), they can display two colors (orange AND black) as well as a third color. Since males (XY) have just one X chromosome, they are either orange OR black but not both. The coding for white, by the way, is a separate, non-sex-related gene. 
Is it impossible then for male cats to be tri-colored? No, but it’s a rare genetic aberration. In these cases, the cat will have two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (XXY)—similar to a human condition called Klinefelter’s syndrome, or XXY syndrome. These kitties are usually unable to breed.

Cool huh?
I'm gonna flip the next dual colored female cat that cross my path just to spot her 3rd color.