Monday, December 17, 2012


Did a fashion show on Saturday, and client gave Claud and I a box of cupcakes each.
I was truly quite hungry by the time I was done with work, but cupcakes for dinner, doesn't quite fit the bill...
Pretty little things they are..

I realize that everytime I come up with a weird expressions, I'll get forehead lines, and Claud would definitely nag at me.
Is it even normal to have this much lines on the forehead?
I think i'm aging.

Okay, i'll go botox them away soon.

And after that I might just have 1 expression to boot in pictures always.

Post Botoxed expression might just turn out looking like this forever (I believe 6 months is almost forever).
I'm not sure if i'll be able to live with that though....

Bought kitty stickers, and stuck them on my phone.
Mommy saw and I offered them to her.
Our phones are now stickerfied like a sticker zoo.

New mesh jumpsuit and a nice backdrop I found at Park hotel the other day, so like any tourist mentality, needa take picture with self and backdrop to prove my presence.

I officially am inspired to take up belly dancing now!
Their shimmy is absolutely delicious!

Haiweewee girls in action (If you watched Hotel Translyvania, you'll catch my drift)

Want a kat!
Scottish folds  always looks so squishable.
Is that even a real kitty?!

Went over to Pet lovers at Holland, and Trixie met a friend!
Her friend's called Paris, and is 8 years old + a legend of her own.
I tried taking pictures of both of them, and this is the outcome...
Paris 1 pose. Trixie all over the place. :(

Apparently Paris walks about perfectly without a leash, super manja with owner, and is on diamond behaviour.
 Trixie is just pffft.

I consoled myself that Trix managed to sit and stay on demand.
At least there's still a show and tell factor, so that the both of us wouldn't look too pathetic. 
Of course, I'd also laugh it off due to age limitations.
1.5 years old vs 8 years old dog.

The lady is really nice actually. 
She shared lots of tips with me and invited me over to commonwealth to make friends with more dog friends.

I was hijacked in conversation at Petlovers for nearly an hour.
My mom thought I was never coming back home with the dog.

I burst out laughing when I saw this self control picture.
Trix definitely needs to learn lots of it.
Bet she'll get there at 8 years old.
7.5 years to go....
Lots of faith involved here.

I'm aiming at 1 biscuit on the nose and if I push the limits, 1 in the mouth.

It was chilly at night.
I decided that the dog was bored.

Here's us in matching couple outfits!

Miss grumpysarus.
She sulked the entire morning, just because she saw the ......
Luggage emerging out of the storage room.
I'm not sure how the dog would feel about my career in the skies if I ever attempt to be an airstewardess

Packed the wardrobe and discovered an A&F tee that I received from KW like 200 years ago from uni days, and I only wore it for the first time last friday. 

I paired it up with an equally ancient skirt that I made myself.
Such a trivial design, yet still so smug about it.

But I thought it looked decently cute together for movie night!
Only to realize that Hobbit is a 3 hour movie in 3 parts!
I semi froze in the theatres.
But I enjoyed myself, frozen or not!
Looking forward to the next installments.
Part 2 and 3 soon please!

Ok bye for now!