Sunday, August 11, 2013

Moving on with purpose

I've finally decided to try on my new of retainers, even though the old ones are still usable, despite looking wonky. 

Having been somewhat disciplined with the teeth (since I'm obviously vain enough to go for braces, despite the fact that I actually do not need them to smile pretty, i figured that I might as well keep up with the hardwork!)
I try to wear them alternate nights, or at least twice a week!

Ermygawd, little did I know that swapping retainers would hurt so bad!

It's been too long since I last felt such crazy tightness for my tooth to hurt. 
Retainers must be doing a secret Invisalign job at the moment. 

Pardon me while I remain cranky until the tooth adjusts itself to the new position. 
And I foresee light chewing for lunch later. 

The title of this post is alittle off beat. 
But yes, that tooth is moving along with a purpose, yes?  Lol

Actually I meant this. 

And this.

Realigned my life purpose a little, 
Decided to pack the room, clear away some mess, find resolution to pick up my projects in my head, and reach for the stars. 
As I've always said, the sky's the limit!