Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The way you treat yourself

I chanced upon this quote that says it all. 

The way you treat yourself, sets the standard for others to treat you. 

It's an empowerment message that makes so much sense and yet so simply put forth.

I'm thankful that I'm hardly the bottom of this respect food chain that I'm talking about.

A lot of credits goes to my parents for nurturing and instilling my siblings and I with so much love, that we're probably more arrogant than humble about ourselves. 
I stepped out into the society loving myself more than anything else in the world. 
#true story

I learnt to balance out all that self love in recent years, and share it with friends and family.
I'll like to call that equilibrium actually. 
Like a good set of balancing machine. 
Love self, love family+friends, and love animals. 
There's also nature, but I'm not very good at appreciating grass and soil or trees, even though it fundamentally feeds me indirectly.

Of course, a big part of self respect evolves around making effort to look good (i mean it as looking presentable, not splashed out in luxury goods. 
Decked head to toe in branded items does not equate to looking aesthetically pleasing please!) 
It prolly equates to self respect, and also respect to others who are going to stare at you for the next couple of hours in my own perspective.

*its been a long looney week for me. 
Most of the drama happens in my head, as I stress myself out like mad to complete my last of spring and summer collection for 2014. 

In my own words, i think I'm suffering from a slight burn out from too much "pushing myself" the past week. 
Too much to do, too little time to spare. 

But! I'll rather that I go through these "hardships" that I'm subjecting myself to, 
than to spend away the opportunity cost of realising my own dreams and expectations. 

Self actualisation (maslow's) is a very important component in my world. 

2 semi boiled eggs drowned in sesame sauce is a good way to unwind before I head to bed. 
Posting this entry as I munch.

I have to say that i've absolutely no time to online shop or reply emails! 
Not even when I'm camping out at home this much!  