Monday, January 20, 2014

ios7 NOT!

Spent the entire night fiddling with the phone.
I have been fighting off the upgrade for my phone for the longest time.

Recently, the phone has been lagging like mad.
Like after password unlock, my screen just sorts of hangs.
and other similar scenarios.

Therefore, I decided that it was time to do the dreaded upgrade.

Turns out that it was the stupidest thing to do.

Here's why.
my macbook is still running on 10.5.8 mac osX
and so is my itunes.

ios7 does not support the older platforms, and of which, itunes and iphone will not sync.
WTFPapaya is this stupid rubbish about?!!

Steve Jobs is dead, and i have a feeling the mac is going downhill..
I miss the man.

oh lord.

I was fighting off getting a new macbook vs upgrading parts before 2013 ended.
Finally decided to upgrade parts (haven't visited the dude that I spoke to yet~ i'm still a procrastinator in 2014! ).
Since technically, my macbook is still in awesome awesome condition, albeit the wonky old battery and touchpad from too much photoshopping (yes I'm uber talented with my micro hand eye control. I can actually photoshop with touchpad without the damn mouse during the prime of my macbook!)

Aside from that. The new mac looks exactly the same as the one I'm typing with now, weight is exactly the same as well (I'm obviously not eyeing on the retinas)
Dafaq I need to change?
Besides, I would need to port all my files over and reinstall all the new applications.
If I have too much spare time, I'll rather watch a drama than to reinstall applications.

This is what the chinese call, 画蛇添足 "adding legs on a snake drawing."
Since snakes do not have legs, and drawing legs onto the snake gives you a lizard, not a snake!
The saying is actually making reference to the term oxymoronic, or in layman's saying, slapping your own hands just because you're too bored.

And if I chose the macbook air, it would make a lot of sense to get a new mac, just for portability's sake. BUT mac air and photoshop aren't quite friends with its factory specs.

Now you get my dilema.
Anyway I digress too much.

back to ios7

I'm now spending the remaining hours trying to fix this shit

Im so mad now.

It's nothing that the geeklet in me cannot resolve.
Therefore I'm still relatively zen and unfazed about this.
I'm just pissed because this is absolutely uncalled for!
There's at least got to be a warning from Apple about this!

Backing up all my files on the macbook and iphone before I go into war mode to resolve this.

and if you did not hear anything from me about this issue, it'll most probably mean that its fixed.

I realized that I tend to make alot more noise about annoying things, and accomplished stuff are often left unspoken of.

Need to learn to brag a little more.

-the end-

Problem solved!
Yay Case close.