Sunday, April 17, 2011

Over thinking.

I am practically on the verge of going nuts.
My mind is practically running overtime for the past week, and it really isn't healthy.
I'm either lying in bed with a million thoughts running back and forth, or sleep gets disrupted.

I'm moody , grumpy and getting upset unnecessarily, and bordering on paranoia.
Right now, im extremely upset because I cant sleep - properly, like how I'd usually do.

I wish my brains could just switch off like a flip. RIGHT NOW

Doesn't help that the server for the shop is down for maintenance, and all the pictures that i've photoshopped cannot be loaded into the shop program.
I've only managed to load up 3 new products tonight.
The 4th/5th item for tonight was rejected, and I've got to redo it all over again - product descriptions and measurements.

8 is a bad bad day for technology - so i've just learnt.