Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bear and their bile.

I chanced upon this article shared by a friend on Facebook, and was horribly distraught upon reading it.
It spoke about the heartbreaking story about the Moon bear's long suffering over the attempt of their bile (for "medicinal" use).
I weeped about how painful it was for the bear, the conditions they were subjected to for YEARS, and how this bear mommy would rather kill her own cub, than to allow Humans to cause it prolonged suffering before killing herself.
I would too, if my child has to suffer that fate.
You can read the story/article here 

Friends who know me, will know how much I love animals in general.
I cry at every Hamster's death, and get excited at every dog, Yak, chicken that I see, and every death and cruelty affects me alot.

The last time I weeped this badly over animal cruelty and blogging it was in 2008 over the PETA clip I saw. (I'm gonna save water, and do myself the biggest favour by not watching the video again) Those interested can click on my link.

Perhaps campaigns and outcries as such are a matter of #firstworldpains - where we stick our noses into other people's business and way of life, judging and telling them what's wrong, what's right, and some may argue that if i'm all for animal rights, I might as well go vegetarian just so that no animal would be harmed etc etc.

All I'm saying is, it's not right to take a life. But if we have to - do it quickly and painlessly, as like 90% of the general population would wish for, when facing death, and kill only when necessary.
Prolonging suffering, and consciously doing evil within your control is such a horrible thing!

Having just returned from Tibet, with a mind fresh on my conversation with Rinpoche Kunga on the topic of Karma - I truly hope that these cruel people would repent and just stop hurting living creatures for the good of themselves and the good of other living creatures.

A good part of stories usually stems from China, and I seriously begin to doubt the moral reasoning behind them Chinese.
I dont care if they want to establish fake Apple stores and sell counterfeit products for profit, but I draw the line at causing hurt to living things.

From hurting animals, inflicting poison to humans by selling fake eggs, melamine milk, poisonous pork laced with Clenbuterol just to name a few, there is something extremely wrong with their moral standpoint.

Yes I do understand that when people are desperate to make a living, they'll do anything just to keep their family alive, and being raised in a *developing/ developed country made me very ignorant to all the sufferings that poverty has to offer.
(*sorry, still can't decide if Singapore is developed or still developing coz sometimes Singaporeans are still so... backward)

However, at the cost of hurting other living beings just for survival - that's not right.
The karma one accumulates is just terrible.

I'm not going to impose my spiritual beliefs here, and rattle on about karma, but I draw the line at moral ethics and their governance, and I believe everyone has the power to make a difference in making the lives of every bear, dog, cow, goat and Yak better - and I pray and hope that China would wake up its idea soon.