Sunday, August 14, 2011

Boring week.

I spent the entire week busy with...
... ... ...
It's funny how I cannot seem to recall what I did, but yet managed to feel so exhausted!
This terrible lifestyle is taking a toil on my skin.

I'm doing some restoration work to the face, as I post this entry - while waiting for the pearl mask to do its job.

Anyway, I dug around and found random pictures in my phone to help recall.

Found pictures of this Shattered glass effect used on the partition at Waraku's casual dining place located at Marina Square.
I like it that the shattered glass glistens under the spotlight, creating a pretty but cozy ambience.
I took that picture, while waiting for the Sister to arrive, and because the mother was hogging the menu. *yawn*
I dont usually have the habit of capturing my food, hence...
there is none. Lol.


I only remember meeting up with the boys and girls for dinner on thursday - coz I insisted on having dinner at Fika, on the recommendation of this Swedish guy I met some time back?
Meatballs were pretty good - sorry i was too hungry to take pictures, and the staff was friendly - very helpful with their recommendations. 
In anycase, I chose the ramadan buffet, so the food layout was zero, with massive servings that I piled onto my plate.
I reckon I'll probably drop by again to try their Tea time stuff - desserts looked nice.

Mom woke me up today to ask me if this tiny thingie belongs to me.
She claims that she picked it up in my toilet.
I peered, peeped and stared at the tiny gun with o_O eyes, because I've never seen it before!

It looks like I could use it to accessorize my Barbie's Lara croft / G.I Jane inspired outfit.

After 2 minutes of logical considerations, I reckon it's the brother's - from his Gundam collection or something, and somehow, somewhat, the weapon fell through his side of the door to our connecting toilet, and ended up in the toilet?

It is still weird, because I patter in and out of the toilet many times a day, and as of before bedtime... I DID NOT SEE IT.

Valda started the "it's the ghost month you know...." and I nearly flipped.
Somemore Saturday's supposedly the 15th - which is when the ghostly energy is at its strongest... 

Interrogated the brother during dinner with a picture of the toy, and he said it is not his, but it might be from his room....
I gave him the exasperated look, how can he not know right?!
Mystery unsolved.
I hope the ghost had fun with the mini gun.

Earlier in the evening, the mother took FOREVER to leave home.
I had time to capture lots of pictures of myself, and still pause in between to cater to her random demands of "close the window", "I need water"...blah.

Attempted to give a rabbit face.

 One normal face to undo that retarded rabbit face picture.

The woman also imposed a no high heels allowed rule  when we left house - so that she can wear her pumps out. #Brat
Walking around town in flipflops is quite a sad feeling.
Legs upwards - well done. Legs down, flip flops. Fail.
Good start, bad ending.

But I made her sprint for the bus, so I guess we're square. Lalala...

I never thought i'll ever need to do fridge shopping, but a girl's gotta do what she has to do right?

Set foot into the Best denki located at Takashimay, ( because I wanted to eat Sour Sally and Ayam Penyat Ikan lele penyat at Lucky.)
and the first fridge I saw was Samsung's starry night! 
Okay, im not sure what its actual name is, but I decided to call it the Starry midnight fridge!
It's gorgeous!
With an equally brow raising price to boot!
$4999.  Frigging 5k can?!
The starry crystals will light up, whenever you open the fridge door tho.
and rose gold handles + more crystals embedded within the handle, not forgetting a special compartment for champagne.

The mother scoffed at the pretty fridge;s price and went on with life.

Many fridges later, I realized that technology hasn't surpassed itself for the past  decade.
It's still water and ice dispenser at the moment.

None of the fridge has the ability to dispense frozen yoghurt, or Macdonald's icecream yet!

Shortlisted a couple of normal looking fridge at a fraction of the Starry night fridge price, and perhaps I'll drop by at Nicky's tomorrow for good measure, just to see if he's got a better deal available at his side.

Last picture for tonight - one of myself with my eye patch for the terrible looking eyes.

It's been a good 3 weeks, and I'm still looking very tanned from Tibet.
I've been doing my utmost best in my sun avoidance, and I still look like a Somalian.

Ok need to wash face and hunt for food.