Friday, December 02, 2011

I'm flabby again.. :(

Lying in bed, thinking about random stuff before I sleep ( yeah, I need to do that, if not I cant fall asleep) and I got reminded about something annoying trivial.
Seems like i've got alot to ramble about lately. oops.

Here goes:
If you're not gonna take my advise, then don't ask me about it.
And the best part about it, that makes me want to laugh...
It's been years! If it had worked over the years, you wouldnt need to debate about it with me now. #JustSaying.

I'm sorry but I kinda really know what I'm talking about.

I need to start on my static exercises again.
Took me a long whatsapp conversation to realize that I'm terribly unfit!
Panted like a dog when I swam the other day, and I've kinda forgot my "I shall swim/pilates once a week" discipline for almost the entire year! OMG!

I hate it when people rave about cardio workout.
Yes it burns..but I've kinda got nothing to burn...
so it's just toning to do.

There's a vast difference between losing just weight and looking like a rectangular block, and compared to losing weight + looking toned/defined.

Besides too much cardio will develop stocky muscles, coz people forget to tone and stretch, then develops a clump of muscles, and therefore look like rectangular block/ muscle mary.
#imho that is.

Hello! There's a reason why Eva longoria in desperate housewife is always seen doing yoga right? #justSayingAgain.

Perhaps I should just go back to dancing. That would fix the cardio and toning part, also be considered a good workout huh.

Ok goodnight.
Hopefully I'll find the inspiration to bring my purple gym mat out  for a short airing, when I wake up later.