Friday, March 23, 2012

Sky Scraper cover version

I'm not sure why it took me so long to discover Boyce Avenue, but all the covers they've done is pretty awesome.
Pretty good arrangements done.

My personal favourite would be Sky Scraper, featuring Megan Nicole.
Look at her! She is pretty and talented.
Nao, why can't I be like her, and be able to play the damn musical instrument, AND sing at the same time.

Seriously, my "playing" alone is already sucky.
Add the singer, and I realized that I cannot multi task.

I'm destined to be a green eyed monster this life when it comes to watching talented musicians on youtube.

oh and there's also this hot korean chick playing the "guitar" with her Android phone that I posted on Facebook last year...

So inspired, I went to download the piano app on the phone...
Phone so small, keys even tinier.
waste time.

Playing with the app on the ipad is more do-able, but still not multi taskable.
I prolly need 2 ipads. hahahha!

My "favouritest" composer/arranger/talented musician lot would be Jon Schmidt.
His rendition of Love story meet Viva la Vida is like Fwah!

Embedding not allowed, but here is the link
Look at how both the pianist and cellist are so absorbed with their instrument, so together.
Something that I never could quite figure :S
Its people like them that inspires me to try and be better (once in a while) despite the lack of talent.

Okay, and I want that very nice looking Baby Grand if one day (unjustifiable skills aside) , my house is big enough to fit one..