Friday, September 25, 2015

Weird people are weird

Meeting weird people often.
Is it me, or is it the same for everyone else?

Today's special, because I met 2 weirdos in a day.

I was on the bus home, and this Auntie, with plenty of shopping sat next to me.
She took up most of my seat with her marketing bags and it's alright. I'll live with it.
At my age, I'm totally used to my personal space being usurp by others when I'm seated on the bus, I stopped complaining about that. 
But this Auntie's special! 
She trapped me in my window seat, and started picking her nose the entire journey with her bare fingers!
Good lord! "Gold" digging is not the thriller, its how she sprinkles her "gold" dust like she's tinkerbell that's really gotten to me. 
From her fingers she'll sprinkle onto her overflowing shopping that really got to me.
It was a really intense excavation session there.

I swear I'll scream if her residue flicks or tumbles over to my end.
I wanted to offer her tissue, but the fear of her touching my fingers got the better of me... and I alighted screaming inwardly as I have to brush pass all her belongings when I got out of my seat. 

Ahhhhh! Ahhh!!~~~

I googled my phobia.
It's apparently called Misophobia, or Mysphobia - the fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs.

It's nothing too serious, just that whenever I get into uncomfortable situations, I can see imaginary germs multiplying in my head.

How bad? you ask.

I'm not a fan of Barbecued food.
The visual image of raw food sitting in the ice box waiting to be BBQ-ed 
That's like Germ Fest. They multiply.
Especially barely cooked Chicken wings disguised as a very charred up wing. :/
The insides look a little bloody.
Not impressed.
I am alright if the raw meat gets plucked out from the fridge and gets cooked instantly though.
The need for a fridge, and running tap water is very important, in my world of food preparation.

Dead fishes and fresh chicken at the wet market, waiting to be bought...
Should totally see my face whenever I try to accompany mommy to the wet market.
I scream murder if the fish water plops onto me. Ermagawd!!!
I wanna dieeee.
I walk very very slowly, just so that there is no splashing involved... the hardwork fails when the hawkers stomp around in their rubber boots, the fish "water" gets onto my slippers. :((((((

Mom will make me wait at the dry parts of the wet market because I'm too drama for her.
These days, I just skip going to the market entirely. The brother has taken over on big occasions.
My hero.

And as a result, I rarely touch fish skin when it comes to eating fish.
Thats where all the bacteria hold their rave party at.
Venue: Fish skin.

Very mediocre bacterial analysis, I know.
Like I said, it's all in my head!

Toilet gunk. 
The creepy stuff that creeps up in the wet parts of the bathroom. mold. Algae. 
Nightmares are made of that as well.

Dirty Sweaty people.
It's love, If I hug you sweaty, even if I do that with a :/ face.

Dead animals.
Having pets, means having to deal with dead bodies when they eventually pass away.
Thankfully, my brother and I have different phobias of our own.
He'll scoop them up and place them in boxes for me.
I'll transport them when the deed is done, and when the mobile crematorium people are here to collect the bodies.
I cannot bear to touch.
He cannot bear to deal with the weight of holding our be"loved" furrykins in his hands.

Fostering Tiger and his siblings, I made le boyfriend drive all the way over to my place, to pick silver's tiny body, when she passed away.
I left her at the back door of my place. Not that I don't love her.
Sleeping with a dead body in my room / house is too much for me to bear. As it is, I was already sad enough from her demise... bacterial thoughts doesn't need to haunt me to make me sadder.

I got a little more pro, by the time I got through to Heather and Precious. I can't recall how I survived Hammie and Tauriel. Since the 5 of them were dropping like dead flies one after another.

Maybe because Claudia was with me when the last 2 passed on, and/or their bodies were still warm and soft, so I wasn't so bacterial phobic.
Well enough dead bodies in 2 foster cases.

Digress again!

Lunch today at Holland V,  I ordered drinks from my unusual drinks store, because le boyfriend says he wants Milo peng (Ice milo) to commemorate my unevenly tanned legs.
My drinks came up to $3.30
I had $4 in my hand, and I wanted to dig out $0.30 and the drinks auntie just yanked the two $2 bills out of my grasp.

That was rude.

Le Boyfriend said he would have asked for the money back just because money should not be snatched off. It has to be given.

Whatever la, I tolerate because I am in an okay mood today.
Besides, I'll just stick to the soybean drinks store, or the nice uncle who owns a schnauzer and loves Trixie whenever I bring her out for meals at the hawker.


I was hovering at Watsons, during their members sale.
The collagen strips that I usually consume is on sale!
I'm always half half about Collagen, because scientifically, there is no proven results about the effects it has on the skin. But since the ones that I bought are pretty tasty, I'll noms them whenever I remember to, like a sweet.

I was contemplating whether to try the Mango flavour ones for vitamin C, and the sales lady from the competitor booth informed me that one sachet a day isn't enough for our body's requirement.
I smiled back and went on with life.
She said that we'll need to take about 3-4 packets a day, in order to see results, and that hers was better Blah blah blah blah.

Never say whatever that I'm using isn't good.
I WILL DISLIKE YOU. Who doesn't?

I hate those powder packet thing. They taste terrible.

I'm an independent shopper. I hate nagging people diverting my attention away, especially if I didn't ask for service help.
I buy what I want.
I buy as I intend to.
Hard selling tactics always go terribly wrong with me.

When I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave, she exclaimed very loudly "it's not enough!"

I was holding my tongue to not reply her
I wanted so badly to yell 
"REALLY?!" But i'm already 50 this year! This totally works!
and walk away just for the kick of it.

Obviously i'm not 50. But I just wanted to be sarcastic for the heck of it.
Alright I didn't retort.

The end.

Moral of the story is, sometimes life has a way of throwing weird challenges to you, just to help you work on your tolerance.
I salute people who can maintain smiley attitude, whenever the going gets tough.
I on the other hand, try to work towards that end goal, but end up shrieking here, just so that I can vent my frustrations.

Of course I receive a larger dosage of good service and chirpy people on my day to day life.
Life is good that way.

Happy friday!