At least 8hours a day, despite having to rush for projects and all....
what's even more impressive, i slept 15 hours straight after SIMONOPOLY! hahaha
Definitely spaced out even when i reached school.
SIMONOPOLY was rather fun... i was assigned to be the station master at International Plaza.
Everything was closed there, not even coffee bean. So i settled down on a patch of floor outside the building.

Definitely attracted lots of attention with my colorful monopoly board, group flags, and simonopoly money. Where most couldn't help but be curious. One man even came up to me, and asked if i was promoting anything of sorts, or was it some new form of marketing gimmick?
"No, we're playing a game", i told him, and Michelle suggested that i should really have told him that we're test launching the new 3D Monopoly, while others said that i should really have sold my colorful flags for $5.
Haha, definitely amusing, but sitting alone for 7 hours, with occassional vistiting from groups who land at my station, and Allen the photographer. The consistent breeze/wind soon made me drowsy, and i actually fell asleep!!
Damn! With all that attention that i was getting, i should have brought along a begging bowl with me, who knows, i may be able to buy myself drinks! =p
Going to the loo proved to be troublesome, as i'll have to pack up everything, uproot my monopoly board, then lug them all to the loo with me...
then setting up my "shop" again, after relieving myself.
Mommy and Ah yi's still not reacting well to Grandad's passing away....especially Ah Yi. Mommy's just teary upon occassional reminders of him...
Wonder if a trip to Genting would help?
Mommy's fifth uncle struck lottery by combining certain numbers related to Grandad's funeral, and several other grand aunties also won a few thousand or hundreds, depending on their stake and the numbers. Coincidence again? Woah..everything's getting alittle hard to believe, but well, a Genting trip is being offered to the 2 mommies! Hope they'll take it up, as it'll do them good.
I received my Progress Packagae letter, and initially gleeful about the $200 that i'm due to collect, i got a little upset to know that others are getting more! >=(
Just for completing National Service, you get $400 more!
It's also unfair how government categorise the pay out purely based on housing. Shouldn't there be a fairer way to determine who gets more? Bah! Definitely better than nothing though..
Yes i'll be $200 richer...